20.Dec.2019 | codedrill | Hosting, Apache, Linux
Automated Script To Create Virtual Host on Linux
It is always complicated to create virtual hosts every time you setup a new website especially for developers
2.Nov.2021 | codedrill | Linux
Install linux on laptop
When we buy a new laptop for development our basic need is to install linux (ubuntu mostly). And intel has
16.Oct.2022 | codedrill | Apache, Hosting, Linux, MySQL, PHP
Install php 7.4, mysql, apache, phpmyadmin on ubuntu 18
Being a PHP developer we frequently come across requirements where we need to install xampp or Apache, PHP,
11.Jan.2024 | codedrill | Apache, Hosting, Linux, MySQL, PHP
Install php 8.2, mysql, apache, phpmyadmin on ubuntu 22
All the new CMS and frameworks have started support for php 8.2. And it is quite easy to install php8.2 on
25.Mar.2021 | codedrill | Apache, Cpanel, Linux, PHP
Linux find php file by process id
Sometimes on dedicated hosting, there can be some scripts that will start consuming 100% of CPU and all the